>>>> "PK" == Paul Keusemann <of Wed, 28 Mar
2001 08:53:54 CST> writes:
PK> Both the Viper and Ediff packages have references to a vc-state variable
PK> in them. Michael Kifer, the author of Viper and Ediff thinks it should be
PK> defined in vc-hooks in the VC packages. I'm using VC-Clearcase, due
PK> to circumstances beyond my control. Any ideas which version of VC or
PK> VC-Clearcase this might be in and where I can find it?
Sorry for causing the confusion. Seems that it is defined in the version of
vc-hook distributed by FSF but not with xemacs.
I'll fix that. However it doesn't mean that things will look brighter for
Clearcase from this point on. I have no idea if Clearcase has the notion of
checked-in files and if it does whether the test that ediff and viper use
works correctly in this case. You might need to investigate this.