when updating to 21-2-17 I get:
ge204@chicago$ cvs up -r r21-2-17
cvs server: Updating tests/automated
U tests/automated/README
cvs server: tests/automated/base64-tests.el is no longer in the repository
cvs server: Updating tests/mule
cvs server: Updating tests/tooltalk
has somebody killed the base64 tests because we cannot pin down the
mapconcat bug? :-)
The other files in test/automated look strange, too (notice the ATTIC
ge204@chicago$ cvs stat tests/automated/lisp-tests.el
File: lisp-tests.el Status: Up-to-date
Working revision:
Repository revision:
Sticky Tag: r21-2-17 (revision:
Sticky Date: (none)
Sticky Options: (none)
I doubt that this is a local problem as I am seeing this on both of my
CVS trees (work and home).
Gunnar Evermann
Speech, Vision & Robotics Group
Engineering Department
Cambridge University