>>>> "JV" == Jan Vroonhof
<vroonhof(a)math.ethz.ch> writes:
JV> Andreas Jaeger <aj(a)suse.de> writes:
> > *) the new ispell package does not work with aspell, an
ispell replacement.
> > <
http://metalab.unc.edu/kevina/aspell/>;. I have not investigated
> > much, it appears to start up then bomb out with an error 255. I'm
> > guessing some type of command line switch changed, but am not sure at
> > this point.
> Could you check this, please?
JV> Yes, please do
ok, will try.
> > which package changed to make pgnus use the progress bar
> No idea. I haven't seen that myself.
JV> The new w3 is the only one using the progress bar's. It is not the
JV> packages fault.
ah, that's probably it. w3 was upgraded and it croaked at the
nnslashdot stuff.