Andy Piper writes:
>White was deemed too bright, gray75 was deemed too dark.
>gray80 was the compromise color. I used gray80 for the
>widgets so that the text in them would not be any less
>readable than the rest of the frame. It was supposed to
>avoid another holy war about the colors (haha, silly me).
Does this mean you agree with the rest of my mail?
I personally would like white - or if that's too bright
something reminiscent of paper - e.g. whitesmoke, cornsilk,
oldlace, wheat.
I don't agree with brightening the background. Here's what I
cooked up
>We should be able to tint the widget colors slightly to get some
>separation and still keep the brightness level the same. Would
>that satisfy those of you who want to cleave my louse-bitten head?
I would favour tinting the default face background rather than
the widgets - but that's another holy war.
I'm not worried about the war, I'm worried about breaking the
code at this late stage. That's why I'd recommend leaving things
as they are. But I have to admit, I don't have much faith in the
stability of this release, so maybe it doesn't matter. Dot-oh
releases usually suck, might as well get it over with.