Some time ago, Daniel Pittman wrote...
Vaguely. Win2K ships with terminal services as a default or, if not
that, a very easy addition. I also know a number of large companies that
are looking at using that sort of thing internally (including ours).
That's a very good point. I missed that. Thanks.
NT4.0 also supports terminals, but requires reinstallation from a
different CD. In W2K, you just install terminal license. There's
also Citrix multi-terminal version of NT4.0 (and even 3.51!)
WinNT has finally completed the transition to implement Unix.
After implementing XEmacs subprocesses, I would not share your optimism. :)
Unix ptys and extensive process support makes me envy on you unix guys.
Win32 provides mmap natively, even if libc does not expose it. The
interface is low level but is detailed by Microsoft:
"Fake" was not the right word. Of course if Win32 did not support file
mapping then I would have no way to "fake" it...
Some time ago, Hrvoje Niksic wrote...
Well, mmap() allows you to read only the parts of the file you're
interested in. If call with MMAP_SHARED, such memory doesn't need
additional space on swap either.
Actually, files mapped in read-only mode do not need swap space at all.
This is how read-only portions (pure data and code) of executable files
are loaded into memory in Windows, and a reason why an executable image
file cannot be deleted or written to if it is loaded. OS/2 and some unixes
that I have checked backs the executables up by the system swap space,
thus releasing hold on the image file, but eating a lot more of swap
I will do mmap for NT then. Thanks for the replies.
Big K