On 17 Dec 2006, nix(a)esperi.org.uk verbalised:
I just upgraded to latest CVS (2006-12-16, 21:20) to try to dig
further into this KKCC-related (?) memory leak. (I'll know for
sure if it's KKCC-related in an hour or so.)
It isn't KKCC. I've built an Emacs without newgc and --without-kkcc.
At boot:
76043 82104
Yet half an hour later, after reading 500-odd posts on the
spamassassin mailing list in Gnus:
275404 287840
Half of this appears unused. I'm going to get some stats out
of malloc() next, to see if arena fragmentation is at fault.
charset from-unicode to-unicode total
chinese-cns11643-5 512 512 1024
indian-2-column 512 512 1024
arabic-1-column 512 512 1024
tibetan-1-column 512 512 1024
japanese-jisx0213-1 512 512 1024
arabic-digit 512 512 1024
thai-xtis 512 512 1024
ascii-right-to-left 512 512 1024
composite 512 512 1024
chinese-cns11643-4 512 512 1024
latin-iso8859-1 512 512 1024
indian-1-column 512 512 1024
chinese-isoir165 512 512 1024
latin-iso8859-13 512 512 1024
chinese-cns11643-3 512 512 1024
arabic-2-column 512 512 1024
chinese-cns11643-7 524 512 1036
japanese-jisx0208-1978 524 512 1036
japanese-jisx0213-2 512 524 1036
chinese-cns11643-6 524 524 1048
ascii 1024 512 1536
control-1 1024 524 1548
thai-tis620 2048 512 2560
latin-jisx0201 2048 512 2560
katakana-jisx0201 2048 512 2560
indian-is13194 2060 512 2572
latin-iso8859-9 2060 512 2572
arabic-iso8859-6 2060 512 2572
lao 2060 512 2572
latin-iso8859-14 2560 512 3072
vietnamese-viscii-lower 2560 512 3072
latin-iso8859-15 2560 512 3072
vietnamese-viscii-upper 2560 512 3072
latin-iso8859-2 2560 512 3072
latin-iso8859-4 2572 512 3084
latin-iso8859-3 2572 512 3084
cyrillic-iso8859-5 2572 512 3084
greek-iso8859-7 2572 512 3084
hebrew-iso8859-8 2596 512 3108
latin-iso8859-16 3072 512 3584
ipa 3072 524 3596
tibetan 2048 2060 4108
chinese-sisheng 3596 512 4108
ethiopic 2560 3084 5644
jit-ucs-charset-0 5144 1036 6180
japanese-jisx0212 46224 35460 81684
chinese-cns11643-1 50832 33900 84732
chinese-big5-1 51308 34352 85660
chinese-cns11643-2 43616 42592 86208
chinese-big5-2 44200 42592 86792
japanese-jisx0208 48796 40020 88816
chinese-gb2312 50880 42092 92972
korean-ksc5601 75504 46248 121752
total 483244 344988 828232
buffer text markers extents other total
*substitute* 32 72 0 1024 1128
*Original Article nnml: 32 72 0 1024 1128
*Article nnml:Mailbox* 32 72 0 1024 1128
info.notes 32 120 0 1024 1176
*balloon-help* 32 360 0 1024 1416
*Echo Area* 2060 72 0 1024 3156
*urlparse* 2060 72 0 1024 3156
*mimeparse* 2060 72 0 1024 3156
*Compile-Log* 2060 72 0 1036 3168
*Warnings* 2048 96 0 1036 3180
*Hyper Apropos* 2048 120 0 1024 3192
diary 2060 120 0 1024 3204
*BBDB* 2060 480 0 1024 3564
*Tree* 2060 624 0 1024 3708
*scratch* 2060 1392 0 1024 4476
*Compile-Log-Show* 4108 72 0 1024 5204
*canonical address* 4108 72 0 1024 5204
*extract address compon 4108 72 0 1024 5204
*split* 4108 72 0 1036 5216
tracking 4108 120 0 1024 5252
gms 4108 120 0 1024 5252
food-to-get 4108 120 0 1024 5252
motd-fragment 4108 120 0 1024 5252
cleaning 4108 120 0 1036 5264
gc-logs 4108 132 0 1024 5264
status-scan 4108 144 0 1024 5276
internal-stats 4108 144 0 1036 5288
TODO.tellico 4108 144 0 1036 5288
auto-mark 4108 144 0 1036 5288
auto-mark.el 4108 168 0 1024 5300
memory-usage 4108 672 0 1024 5804
*Minibuf-0* 2060 2736 0 1024 5820
*gnus work* 8216 72 0 1024 9312
to-build 8216 144 0 1024 9384
booklist 8216 144 0 1024 9384
TODO 8216 144 0 1024 9384
stuff 8216 144 0 1024 9384
*Summary nnml:Mailbox* 8216 480 0 1024 9720
*memory usage* 12324 72 0 1024 13420
highlight-occur.el 12324 168 0 1024 13516
*Group* 12324 336 0 1036 13696
*w3m cache* 16432 72 0 1024 17528
snaptree 16432 168 0 1024 17624
immstool.cc 16432 168 0 1024 17624
backtrace.h 20540 156 0 1024 21720
*Async Prefetch Article 24648 72 0 1024 25744
*server news.srvr.nix n 24648 96 0 1024 25768
*Message-Log* 32864 72 0 1024 33960
*Completions* 32864 72 0 1024 33960
*info tag table* 32864 96 0 1024 33984
*server news.srvr.nix n 53404 96 0 1024 54524
*Original Article nnml: 61620 72 0 1024 62716
.newsrc-dribble 65728 72 0 1024 66824
*Article nnml:spamassass 65728 1272 0 1024 68024
*Summary nnml:spamassass 82160 1032 0 1024 84216
*pixmap conversion* 86268 72 0 1024 87364
DESIGN 86268 144 0 1024 87436
*Gnus Backlog* 139672 72 0 1024 140768
*server news.srvr.nix n 147888 84 0 1024 148996
*info* 312208 168 0 1024 313400
.bbdb 1109160 110136 0 1024 1220320
*nntpd* 3956004 1032 0 1024 3958060
total 6558624 125916 0 63584 6748124
window face-cache glyph-cache scrollbar-instances line-start-cache
other-redisplay other total
#<window on " *Minibuf-0 8248 32 0
32 64 1088 9464
#<window on " *Minibuf-0 8248 32 0
32 64 1088 9464
#<window on " *balloon-h 8248 160 0
32 64 1088 9592
#<window on " *balloon-h 8248 160 0
32 64 1088 9592
#<window on " *balloon-h 8248 160 224
160 7408 1100 17300
#<window on " *Minibuf-0 12356 160 0
160 18940 1088 32704
#<window on " *Minibuf-0 12356 160 0
160 27144 1088 40908
#<window on " *Minibuf-0 12356 160 0
160 27144 1088 40908
#<window on "*Tree*" 0x3 12356 288 224
300 84016 1088 98272
#<window on "*BBDB*" 0x3 16464 288 224
160 95176 1088 113400
#<window on "*Summary nn 16464 288 224
4140 202084 1088 224288
#<window on "*scratch*" 24680 544 224
4140 557704 1088 588380
#<window on "*Summary nn 37004 288 224
2080 977720 1088 1018404
#<window on "*Article nn 57608 288 224
4140 1019768 1088 1083116
total 242884 3008 1568 15728
3017360 15244 3295792
object storage
bigfloat 0
ratio 0
free 0
opaque-ptr 16
bit-vector 16
range-table 20
case-table 32
command-builder 52
timeout 80
charset 184
device 360
scrollbar-instance 448
console 464
window-mirror 780
lcrecord-list 912
symbol-value-varalias 952
color-instance 1316
process 1680
frame 1740
stream 2196
coding-system 2504
font-instance 4656
gui-item 5696
glyph 6556
window 7176
image-instance 11264
face 14592
symbol-value-buffer-local 17244
extent-info 17760
keymap 22520
weak-list 62736
buffer 72000
hash-table 93120
extent-auxiliary 102200
char-table 108472
long-strings-total-length 148366
specifier 151036
char-table-entry 263736
opaque 290444
compiled-function 442104
bignum 734996
symbol 1273412
event 1458288
vector 1540632
marker 2483460
short-string 5677056
extent 8609792
string-header 11073804
float 11689636
cons 52837400
total 99233906
grand total: 110106054
`He accused the FSF of being "something of a hypocrit", which
shows that he neither understands hypocrisy nor can spell.'
--- jimmybgood
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