Try putting this in the beginning of your .emacs
(defun my-canonize-color (color)
(setq available-colors (mapcar 'car (read-color-completion-table)))
(setq result color)
(mapcar (lambda (x)
(if (string-match (downcase x) (downcase color))
(setq result x)))
(defadvice set-face-foreground
(before my-canonize-color-advice
(face color &optional locale tag-set how-to-add))
(setq color (my-canonize-color color)))
(ad-activate 'set-face-foreground)
Now run XEmacs on tty. XEmacs will likely become much more colorful
(for better or worse). So, question is, should XEmacs try to use a
close to requested color (say "blue" for "blue4"), or should it
default to no-color as it does now. Obviously, color matching
heuristic could be more sophisticated.