This may be some weird FOTU thing. (That's Fluke Of The Universe.) I
can't easily reproduce it and it may never happen to anyone ever again.
I just built 21.0.63 on Digital UNIX 4.0D using DEC C. No problems
seen during the build. I then updated packages and proceeded.
When I started up XEmacs, I got an error that mime-setup was not
found. I checked and I found all of the .el.gz files, but no
.elcs. This is true of all files .els in the tm package. Since I had
gziped all of the .el files, they were not loaded/executed.
I then checked the tm-1.16-pkg.tar file. All .elcs were present. I
also noticed that the tm-1.16-pkg.tar and tm-1.16-pkg.tar.gz files
were still in my /tmp directory. I assume that this indicates
something went wrong. I had already exited XEmacs and no longer have
the package installation log.
All I can think of is that the deletion of old files managed to delete
the new .elcs. This only happened to the tm package. All others I
installed were fine. Could something have been wrong with the I don't see anything obvious about it.
I deleted the package and re-installed it. All .elcs were present. I'm
R. Kevin Oberman, Network Engineer
Energy Sciences Network (ESnet)
Ernest O. Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (Berkeley Lab)
E-mail: oberman(a) Phone: +1 510 486-8634