>>>> "Reiner" == Reiner Steib
<reinersteib+gmane(a)imap.cc> writes:
Reiner> On Wed, Dec 07 2005, Uwe Brauer wrote:
>>>> "Reiner" ==
Reiner Steib <reinersteib+gmane(a)imap.cc> writes:
Reiner> Convenience and readability (YMMV):
Reiner> ;; ugly:
Reiner> (if (featurep 'xemacs)
Reiner> (progn
Reiner> xemacs-code-0
Reiner> xemacs-code-1
Reiner> xemacs-code-N))
Ok I see, that is the way I thought about it, use progn and ()
(I don't find that ugly but I see the point)