This afternoon I got the following error under a freshly-started
21.1.6. I created a second frame (C-x 5 2) and stretched it out so it
was nearly full-screen width. Immediately after resizing the window
(from the fvwm2 window manager), the mouse tracked across the
rightmost edge of the modeline and I got the following error:
Signaling: (args-out-of-range "-----XEmacs: *scratch* (Lisp
Interaction)----L5--C0--All------------------------------------------------" 179
map-extents(#<compiled-function (e ignored) "...(2)" [e] 1>
"-----XEmacs: *scratch* (Lisp
Interaction)----L5--C0--All------------------------------------------------" 179 179
nil nil balloon-help)
balloon-help-motion-hook(#<motion-event 1034, 785>)
run-hook-with-args(balloon-help-motion-hook #<motion-event 1034, 785>)
mouse-motion-hook(#<motion-event 1034, 785>)
I got the error multiple times, but I can now no longer reproduce
this. Does anyone have any ideas?
- vin