>>>> "ms" == Michael Sperber
<sperber(a)informatik.uni-tuebingen.de> writes:
ms> Previous messages in this thread explain it:
If they did, I wouldn't have asked. ;-)
ms> I conjecture this assumption was born in the time before
ms> multiple frames. There, you always type into the selected
ms> window, which is why you want the invariant the way it is.
And in multiple frames you can type into an unselected window? Huh?
I don't think frames have anything to do with this, except that it
makes it easier to fail to notice that a misbehaving program has
changed buffer point on you.
ms> Now, it makes sense if the selected window *of the selected
ms> frame* maintains that invariant, but not for *all* frames.
That's easy for you to say. Now turn it into a coherent specification
of a unique point associated to a buffer. And it has to be a unique
point: the OP is talking about a case where all frames containing
windows displaying that buffer have been closed, so a frame ->
frame-buffer-point mapping makes no sense.
Note first that if a window is still open, its point doesn't move. If
you don't select the window, you don't see point. When you select
that window, buffer point moves there. So what you're saying,
apparently, is that if you close that frame when the window is
_un_selected, in some cases that should move buffer point to the
unselected window's point. Huh?? How is XEmacs supposed to guess
when that is appropriate?
If it is the window point-buffer point synchronization that is causing
his problem, it must be the case that the last selected window
displaying that buffer was not the one he considers the "principal
view" of that buffer. I don't see how XEmacs can intuit which is the
"principal view"---most recently selected window is a simple rule that
will get it right almost all of the time. (Unless there are apps that
are selecting windows on buffers behind the user's back. Shouldn't
they be using `save-excursion'? Or an indirect buffer?)
Nor will the heuristic of keeping a per-frame list of buffer points
and using the last one closed get this right, because that will often
override the user's explicit last selection. This would force users
to close frames, maybe even windows, in a specific order (namely, the
window whose point they want saved in the buffer's point last).
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