giacomo boffi writes:
--- src/objects-x.c~ 2005-09-26 17:41:08.000000000 +0200
+++ src/objects-x.c 2005-09-28 09:13:56.393480744 +0200
@@ -1242,7 +1242,7 @@
/* The order is correct according the fontconfig docs. */
FcConfigSubstitute (fcc, p, FcMatchPattern);
PRINT_XFT_PATTERN (2, "FcConfigSubstitute'ed name is %s\n", p);
- FcDefaultSubstitute (p);
+ /* FcDefaultSubstitute (p); */
PRINT_XFT_PATTERN (3, "FcDefaultSubstitute'ed name is %s\n", p);
/* #### check fcresult of following match? */
fontxft = FcFontMatch (fcc, p, &fcresult);
the above patch cured the wrong pixel sizes, AND the bold-italic
problem that i reported yesterday
i was a bit precipitoso (?):
1) derived faces that are both bold and italic (yesterday's prob) are
correctly rendered from a patched xemacs
2) derived faces that are bold and *not* italic faces that are
rendered wrong, i.e., bold AND italic...
one may ask himself if 1) is a consequence of 2) rather than a real
improvement, but i'm not going to ask that question
anyway, it looks like the faces' sizes are ok