Adrian Aichner writes:
>>>>> "Peter" == Peter Brown
<rendhalver(a)> writes:
Peter> Adrian Aichner writes:
>> >>>>> "Peter" == Peter Brown
<rendhalver(a)> writes:
Peter> added the search box for namazu to template.html can
Peter> someone please include me additions to template-de.html and
Peter> template-ja.html as i have no clue what the translations
Peter> should be
Hello Peter,
I learned about
Shouldn't we try this out first?
if you like, but from what i read it only searches the google database
so depending on how often they update their database the newer pages
on the xemacs wont show up until they do an update
You know I suggested this a while back.
I am feeling uneasy about a home-grown solution if we can get a
defacto standard search engine to work for us.
namazu isnt really a home grown solution, and as stephen pointed out
when he suggested it it handles non english pages as well
which reminds me i forgot to tell you all about the hidden fields for
the search box, there is an extra hidden tag that tells namazu that
the pages are in a language different to english,
this should be added to the ja template page
<input type="hidden" name="lang" value="ja">
and this to the de template page
<input type="hidden" name="lang" value="de">
sorry for not mentioning it before
Please advise,
>> I'll take care of template-de.html.
Peter> cool thanks adrian
>> Oishi San, could you please send a patch for template-ja.html?
>> Let's not commit this before we get the search engine up and running.
>> Best regards,
>> Adrian
Peter> Index: template.html
Peter> ===================================================================
Peter> RCS file: /pack/xemacscvs/XEmacs/xemacsweb/template.html,v
Peter> retrieving revision 1.52
Peter> diff -u -u -r1.52 template.html
Peter> --- template.html 2002/01/23 20:55:48 1.52
Peter> +++ template.html 2002/02/28 00:22:07
Peter> @@ -74,6 +74,15 @@
Peter> <td rowspan="1" colspan="1"
bgcolor="#CCCCCC"> </td>
Peter> <!-- sidebar cell -->
Peter> <td rowspan="1" colspan="1" align="left"
valign="top" bgcolor="#CCCCCC">
Peter> + <strong>Searching XEmacs</strong>
Peter> + <form method="get"
Peter> + <div>
Peter> + <input type="text" name="query"
value="" size="10" maxlength="40">
Peter> + <input type="submit" name="submit"
Peter> + <input type="hidden" name="whence"
Peter> + <a href="/cgi-bin/namazu.cgi">help</a>
Peter> + </div>
Peter> + </form>
Peter> <strong>About XEmacs</strong>
Peter> <ul>
Peter> <li><a href="<!-- _GP_ relPath(qq{Lists/index.html})
-->" shape="rect">Mailing lists</a></li>
>> --
>> Adrian Aichner
Adrian Aichner
XEmacs Advocate | Do not try the patience of Wizards,
FreeBSD Devote | for they are subtle and quick to anger.
Perl Hacker | - Elric (Technomage) , Babylon 5.
Apache God | <>