sperber(a)informatik.uni-tuebingen.de (Michael Sperber [Mr. Preprocessor]) writes:
>>>>> "Kevin" == Kevin Layer
<layer(a)franz.com> writes:
Kevin> I start a process from emacs. When that process exits, xemacs hangs.
Kevin> I ran under dbx and this is where it was:
Kevin> ./configure --with-dialogs=athena
Kevin> make
Kevin> Let me know if I can send any other information.
This looks as if you're compiling against IBM's libXt, which is bad
juju. Link against vanilla X. This is mentioned in the PROBLEMS
So, has anyone ever opened a problem report with IBM about this? I
opened an internal defect report, but, being from inside IBM, they
didn't pay any attention to me....
Kevin, I've seen this hang several times before on various levels of
XEmacs. Please, open a problem report so maybe we can get this
fixed. Thanks.