At 11:30 AM 8/24/99 +0200, Didier Verna wrote:
I'm also surprised to see Kirill in the list. IIRC,
he's done pretty
good hackery and was a very competent guy, but I don't think that his
contributions compete with the other people's listed there. Most important
though, he completely disapeared long ago.
I would disagree. For MS-Windows 21.0:
Jonathan did the core redisplay, frame, event, fonts etc development and
can be considered the father of the native GUI port.
Kirill did all of the process implementation, dialog boxes, menubars and
extensive event rewrites.
I did all of the glyph implementation, toolbars and cursors.
Kirill wrote a *lot* of code.
Dr Andy Piper
Senior Consultant Architect, BEA Systems Ltd