Ar an ceathrú lá déag de mí Feabhra, scríobh Vin Shelton:
[...] If I make only a mule build, the build succeeds and no tests
but when I make in my usual way, I run into this problem. Here's what I
1. refresh to the most recent CVS/hg source
2. build a new source tree (via tar) from the latest CVS/hg source in
3. move to a separate build root, /opt/build
4. build an optimized (non-debug) version in /opt/build/xemacs-21.5-yyyy-mm-dd
5. build a mule-enable version in /opt/build/xemacs-21.5-yyyy-mm-dd-mule
6. build a debug-enabled build in /opt/build/xemacs-21.5-yyyy-mm-dd-debug
The lisp files do not get recompiled after the first build, and they
reside in the source directory: /opt/src/xemacs-21.5-yyyy-mm-dd/lisp.
I infer from this that you have introduced a new build-time mule
dependency in one of the lisp/*.elc files.
Ah; I can reproduce that, given your recipe. I’ll have a fix or an explicit
error in the next couple of days.
¿Dónde estará ahora mi sobrino Yoghurtu Nghe, que tuvo que huir
precipitadamente de la aldea por culpa de la escasez de rinocerontes?
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