Matthew Persico writes:
> However, with the latest version (.28), I find that the default
> has changed from Courier on the UNIX-compiled version and I cannot,
> for the life of me, figure out where that is set in the code.
> 1) What line of faces.c needs to be twiddled to return the
default to Courier?
l. 2404
It's probably not a good idea, though, because doing something about
the horrible situation with faces (at least in Xft) is high on my
personal list, and that area is likely to be subject to change.
> 2) What statement I could put in my local .xemacs config files
> accomplish same?
XEmacs*default.attributeFont: -*-courier-medium-r-*-*-*-120-*-*-*-*-*-*
in .Xresources should do the trick. It's never been possible to get
this quite right without using X resources.
You can put this in a app-defaults file named XEmacs, usually in
/usr/X11R6/share/X11/app-defaults/ (or something similar, the
app-defaults directory varies a lot).
> 3) What statement I could put in a global .xemacs config file
> accomplish same? What should be the name of that file and where should
> it be placed (xemacs/site-lisp)?
You will get a flash as the font is changed, and it's possible that
some derived faces will not "get the news". However, if you really
want to do it in Lisp
(set-face-font 'default "-*-courier-medium-r-*-*-*-120-*-*-*-*-*-*")
in site-start.el in $prefix/lib/xemacs/site-lisp/ is probably the
best place to do it.
> Sorry to be a pest,
Not at all, you have my thanks for the report. ;-) I've been itching
to revert that change because it was slipped in without discussion, and
you're not the first one to be distressed by it.
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