>>>> "Vaclav" == Vaclav Barta
<vbar(a)comp.cz> writes:
Vaclav> ad 1] Actually I've just seen it when closing XEmacs after
Vaclav> creating a bookmark. Strange failure mode:
Vaclav> save-buffers-kill-emacs tried to save .emacs.bmk, and
Vaclav> since that failed, XEmacs refused to end, *even when I
Vaclav> answered No to the Save? question*. I had to use
Vaclav> xkill... That XEmacs instance again had a dired buffer.
Urk. This is starting to sound more like latin-unity breakage (since
it hooks in way down in the file internals).
Try M-x latin-unity-uninstall RET. This will cost you some protection
against saving in the wrong coding-system, but most people have few
problems with that, while you're having consistent problems with
saving. I won't cry if that doesn't fix anything, less work for me,
but for you.... ;-)
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