I discovered that the new call-process-internal on Windows gets an
error if you pass a nil for the BUFFER parameter. Here's a small
patch that helps, although I don't think it is quite right yet since
it seems to treat 0 and nil the same instead of returning immediately
if BUFFER is 0.
2000-03-27 Mike Alexander <mta(a)arbortext.com>
* process.el (call-process-internal): Handle a null BUFFER
parameter correctly.
Index: lisp/process.el
RCS file: /usr/CVSroot/XEmacs/xemacs/lisp/process.el,v
retrieving revision
diff -u -r1.5.2.7 process.el
--- process.el 2000/03/22 01:59:04
+++ process.el 2000/03/27 09:25:46
@@ -106,6 +106,7 @@
;; use integerp for compatibility with existing
;; call-process rmsism.
((integerp buffer) (setq discard t) nil)
+ ((null buffer) (setq discard t) nil)
(t (get-buffer-create buffer)))))
(when (and stderr (not (eq t stderr)))
(setq stderr (expand-file-name stderr))