I reported this bug to Red Hat on the assumption that this was a bug in
tcsh or readline, but I suppose it's equally likely that it's a bug in
how xemacs is dealing with ptys (since the bug does not occur when
running tcsh in gnome-terminal.) I also assume they will completely
ignore my report without even looking at it, since emacs is involved.
So I'll report it to you guys as well:
Since upgrading from RH 7.2 to RH 8.0, I can no longer compose long
command lines in tcsh when running in an XEmacs *shell* buffer. I don't
know whether this is a bug in tcsh, or in readline, or what, but it does
not happen with bash.
It's not merely truncating the command line -- it's also apparently
leaving the un-read characters on the input buffer, and then
interpreting them as commands afterward! This is potentially
disasterous, and could easily lead to loss of files, if there were
redirections or something on the command line.
This still happens after setting $LANG to C, so it's apparently not some
Unicode locale BS, as so many recent problems are.
Watch what happens (line wrapping and blank lines inserted for
setenv LANG C
xemacs -q
M-x shell
<jwz@gronk:/home/jwz/> echo a23456789 b23456789 c23456789 d2345678
9 e23456789 f23456789 g23456789 h23456789 i23456789 j23456789 k234
56789 l23456789 m23456789 n23456789 o23456789 p23456789 q23456789
r23456789 s23456789 t23456789 u23456789 v23456789 w23456789 x23456
789 y23456789
[ ... apparent ls of current directory, maybe from a ^D ? ... ]
<jwz@gronk:/home/jwz/> y23456789: Command not found.
Exit 1
<jwz@gronk:/home/jwz/> [ ... then I hit RET again, and ... ]
a23456789 b23456789 c23456789 d23456789 e23456789 f23456789 g23456
789 h23456789 i23456789 j23456789 k23456789 l23456789 m23456789 n2
3456789 o23456789 p23456789 q23456789 r23456789 s23456789 t2345678
9 u23456789 v23456789 w23456789 x23456789
<jwz@gronk:/home/jwz/> sh
sh-2.05b$ echo a23456789 b23456789 c23456789 d23456789 e23456789 f
23456789 g23456789 h23456789 i23456789 j23456789 k23456789 l234567
89 m23456789 n23456789 o23456789 p23456789 q23456789 r23456789 s23
456789 t23456789 u23456789 v23456789 w23456789 x23456789 y23456789
a23456789 b23456789 c23456789 d23456789 e23456789 f23456789 g23456
789 h23456789 i23456789 j23456789 k23456789 l23456789 m23456789 n2
3456789 o23456789 p23456789 q23456789 r23456789 s23456789 t2345678
9 u23456789 v23456789 w23456789 x23456789 y23456789
Red Hat Linux release 8.0 (Psyche)
Linux 2.4.18-14 #1 Wed Sep 4 12:13:11 EDT 2002 i686
athlon i386 GNU/Linux
uname -a: Linux astest 2.4.9-e.8smp #1 SMP Fri Jul 19 15:38:30 EDT 2002
i686 unknown unknown GNU/Linux
./configure 'i386-redhat-linux-gnu' '--prefix=/usr'
'--exec-prefix=/usr' '--bindir=/usr/bin' '--datadir=/usr/share'
'--libdir=/usr/lib' '--mandir=/usr/share/man/man1'
'--infodir=/usr/share/info' '--with-gpm=no' '--with-sound=native'
'--with-pop' '--mail-locking=lockf' '--with-clash-detection'
'--debug=no' '--error-checking=none' '--with-mule=yes'
'--with-database=berkdb' '--with-ldap=yes' '--with-hesiod=no'
'--with-canna=yes' '--with-wnn=yes' '--with-widgets=motif'
'--with-menubars=lucid' '--with-scrollbars=lucid'
'--with-xim=xlib' '--with-msw=no' '--with-xfs=yes'
Jamie Zawinski