On Wed, 05 Nov 2003 08:13:34 PST, Scott Blachowicz
<scott.xemacs(a)mail.dsab.rresearch.com> said:
I have this set now:
(defun sab:gnuserv-frame (arg)
(if (eq arg 'tty) t)
(setq gnuserv-frame 'sab:gnuserv-frame)
But it doesn't quite do everything I'd like:
The problem is that although there's enough clues, not enough of the
clues are passed to your gnuserv-frame function, which is only handed
a 'x or a 'tty. My pet peev is that DISPLAY isn't available (which has
bit me a few times, if I'm SSH'ed into a net-slow box I probably want
'use an existing frame on THIS display' semantics (as opening a whole
new frame may take 10-15 seconds). And as you noted in (2), using the
value of DISPLAY that the XEmacs end has is Totally Wrong, since you
may not even be in the same time zone. ;)