At 06:19 PM 2/25/00 +0900, Stephen J. Turnbull wrote:
Well, it's not just tabs. A few more bugs.
1. [Gutters] Cursor movement that affects the region causes gutter flashing
pretty bad, even with a static glyph in the gutter. (This was observed
after running the sample code in 4 below.)
Should be fixed.
2. [Gutters] gutter-items need removal methods, since installing
them seems pretty complicated.
3. [Gutters] Increasing the widths of the right and left gutters will
parts of the modeline(s). Decreasing them again gets the modeline data
updated, but not the bevels. Eg, change the code below to stick
that XPM in the right-gutter, then remove it (eg, `(set-specifier
right-gutter "")'). Check out the modeline. ^L isn't good enough
on my box, need to iconify then deiconify.
Not fixed to my knowledge
4. [Gutters] Example code:
;; This probably only looks right with the face set as follows,
; and the same monitor resolution as me:
; (custom-set-faces
; '(default ((t (:size "12pt" :family "Lucidatypewriter")))
; and an 80 column wide frame.
(let* ((gutter-string "==========================")
(an-extent (make-extent 13 13 gutter-string))
(a-glyph (make-glyph (vector 'xpm
:file (concat data-directory
(set-extent-end-glyph an-extent a-glyph)
(set-specifier top-gutter gutter-string)
(set-specifier top-gutter-height (glyph-height a-glyph)))
You should now use set-gutter-element.
Dr Andy Piper
Senior Consultant Architect, BEA Systems Ltd