>>>> Adrian Aichner writes:
>>>> "Andreas" == Andreas Jaeger
<aj(a)suse.de> writes:
Andreas> I've uploaded a test package of Gnus
5.8.7 to
APA> Package-get database file
APA> `/anonymous@ftp.xemacs.org:/xemacs/beta/incoming/package-index.LATEST.pgp'
APA> does not exist
APA> I think Local.rules should have a feature enabling the automatic
APA> copying of package-index to package-index.LATEST.pgp.
APA> Symbolic links are not support on Windows NT, that's why I suggest the
APA> copying step. In any event it's too easy to forget creating
APA> package-index.LATEST.pgp.
APA> For now, can you please create package-index.LATEST.pgp, Andreas?
I've created the file now.
Andreas Jaeger
SuSE Labs aj(a)suse.de
private aj(a)arthur.inka.de