OK, so in 30 minutes I deliver my last final, so I'm seeing light at
the end of the tunnel. I'd like to think about what the next step for
XEmacs is. I'm not inclined to follow Steve Yegge's suggestion<wink>.
For those of you who have commit access to Mercurial, due to the
Debian SSH fiasco, you've lost your RSA logins (they nuked all keys,
basically). You need to update your SSH keys at alioth, and /despite
what it may say on that page/, you /must/ use an /RSA/ key. A DSA key
will simply be /silently ignored/. If you'd like to help with
development, then get yourself an alioth account (go to
http://alioth.debian.org/ and register), and tell Mike Sperber your
account name.
Stuff that will get done by me within the next 24 hours:
1. I think a couple of people need CVS accesses, email aliases, and
the like (Malcolm, FkTPp).
Stuff that will get done over the weekend:
2. Restore the (experimental) tracker as much as possible. This
seems to be a mess on the Japan side, and they're not being terribly
responsive. It would be nice to have a permanent home, although I'll
be physically back there in a couple of months so maybe that will work
for a while longer. I'll be asking Tux (currently hosting
ftp.xemacs.org, and
lists.xemacs.org) about their
plans for upgrades, but they're not moving any too fast as far as I
can tell.
Stuff that will get done "shortly" thereafter:
3. 21.5.29, and (I hope) some sort of biweekly or monthly snapshot
"Where do you want to go today?"
Inquiring minds want to know. 21.4 is getting long in the tooth, and
it really isn't appropriate in Unicode environments, which is pretty
much everywhere. Besides the default Unicode support, what features
that are /already/ in 21.5 need to be stabilized for /your/ daily
What features that 21.5 /doesn't/ have yet do you need?
Think "small" here. No Lisp engine rewrites, (much as I would
personally like it) no Unicode internal representation, etc. Stuff
that's doable so we can get something out the door, and get back on
Or can we even get "back on track"? What do you all think?
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