Michael Sperber [Mr. Preprocessor] wrote on 22-July-1999:
->You don't have a clue what you're
->talking about.
And on that subject...
I once spent a bit of time trying to add support for (Posix) threads
in XEmacs. However I found my competency to complexity-of-task ratio
far too low. ;-)
I may look back at it again in the winter.
I've also looked at using different scheme/lisp substrates which
already have thread support - with the view to shoving them under
XEmacs. This may be a "better" long term solution - but this really is
too hard for little me. [Please let's not get into the discussion over
which language to put under XEmacs... we've been there too many times
before. See Michael's page for details.[1]]
Someone else lacking in cluons,