>>>> "Stephen" == Stephen J Turnbull
<stephen(a)xemacs.org> writes:
>>>> "ms" == Michael Sperber
<sperber(a)informatik.uni-tuebingen.de> writes:
ms> The synchronization between the window point of the selected
ms> window and its buffer's point is necessary so that commands
ms> *you type* will DTRT, namely act at the point where the user
ms> is typing.
Stephen> I think that is wrong. The reason for the synchronization window
Stephen> point -> buffer point is so that _programs_
What do you mean by "programs"? It seems you mean exactly the same
thing as what I meant by "commands"---in XEmacs, commands *are*
programs. I added the qualification "you type" to mean this whole
business only makes sense for interaction anyway.
Stephen> will act at the point the user was typing or viewing, unless
Stephen> explicitly told to do otherwise. Then while the program is
Stephen> doing whatever it does, the reverse synchronization (buffer
Stephen> point -> window point) is done so that the user is aware of
Stephen> what the program did, again unless the program deliberately
Stephen> conceals any motion it executed.
That is exactly what I meant, as well.
Stephen> When the user is typing, there is no need whatsoever for a separate
Stephen> concept of buffer point (except in the sense of manipulating the gap,
Stephen> but that's not user-visible). Just insert/delete/twiddle/fix case/
Stephen> whatever at _window point_, which is always well-defined while the
Stephen> user is typing.
ms> There's no reason for this synchronicity to be in
ms> place in windows where the user is *not* typing.
ms> (In this case, selected windows of unselected frames.)
Stephen> That's a meaningless statement. Synchronicity is a property of how
Stephen> buffer and window points _change_ in response to selection state
Stephen> changes and buffer point motion, not of the particular buffer point
Stephen> <-> window point mapping at any given time or selection state.
Of course, I believe it is not a meaningless statement. On the other
hand, I don't understand at all what you're saying. It reads like
complete gibberish to me. Let me repeat:
Currently, there *is* synchronicity in places where the user is not
typing, namely in selected windows of non-selected frames.
This is pointless and confusing, from the user's perspective. (Well,
point-*full*, actually ...)
This is as simple as I can put it. What do you read into this?
ms> There'd be no heuristics involved at all.
Stephen> No, just complete nondeterminism. :-)
Ah, now, what is it: is my statement meaningless or does it prescribe
Cheers =8-} Mike
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