I'm using Xemacs for windows.
I'm coding in C. The problem is, that if there is a "space" before the
begining of a function decleration, this function is not scanned and
included in the function list generated by Xemacs. Moreover, if all
functions in a file starts with a space, the "Function" menu disapears.
Since this comde is not mine, and there are lots of files that are written
that way, I would like to know how can I "fix" xemcas to recognize functions
even if the is a space before its decleration.
<Space>int func (void)
The function "func" will not be listed in the function menu.
Ofer Goren
Phone #: 09-7766366 / 191
Fax #: 09-7766360
There are 10 types of people in the world: those who can read binary, and
those who can't.