Appended is the corba-emacs.c file, which implements the xemacs bonobo
component and the makefile. Beware that the corba-emacs is _not_ the
only target in the makefile. all other targets won't compile, i've
used them for testing. Also the gnorba file is enclosed.
Please report any ideas suggestions and other findings. I'm using
xemacs 21.1.3, but i'll switch to 21.2 branch as soon as my internet
connection is better.
You need the newest bonobo source from CVS. You migh use
test-container-autoload to test the emacs component. Beware that it
might be necessary to edit test-container-autoload.c and replace
"File/" in the the gnome_app_insert_menus() call with waitever string
is used in yu locale for the File menu. With a german locale it's
"Datei/" for example.
You need to copy the xemacs-viewer executable somewhere in you path.