Frank Schmitt <ich(a)> writes:
Vin Shelton <acs(a)> writes:
> In an XEmacs built from the latest 21.5 CVS sources, when I enter Info
> mode (C-h i), the node names are no longer bold. For instance, in the
> top level dir file, it used to be that in this line:
Are you really sure, that you are running latest cvs? This problem
should have been fixed last Thursday. It was broken for me, too and
since then all is right again.
Yes, I am running the latest 21.5 from CVS (updated again this
evening) along with the latest packages. The change you are alluding
to has something to do with XResources. When I run xrdb </dev/null
before running XEmacs 21.5, I get (correctly I guess) the default italic
fonts. But when I'm running with my normal XResources, I no longer
get the nice bold font I have with 21.4 and had with 21.5 until very
recently. Here are my emacs font resources:
Emacs*EmacsFrame.font-lock-comment-face.attributeForeground: turquoise4
Emacs*EmacsFrame.font-lock-doc-string-face.attributeForeground: purple4
Emacs*EmacsFrame.font-lock-function-name-face.attributeForeground: blue4
Emacs*EmacsFrame.font-lock-keyword-face.attributeForeground: dark orchid
Emacs*EmacsFrame.font-lock-preprocessor-face.attributeForeground: orchid4
Emacs*EmacsFrame.font-lock-reference-face.attributeForeground: red3
Emacs*EmacsFrame.font-lock-string-face.attributeForeground: dark goldenrod
Emacs*EmacsFrame.font-lock-type-face.attributeForeground: brown
Emacs*EmacsFrame.font-lock-variable-name-face.attributeForeground: chocolate
Emacs*EmacsFrame.font-lock-warning-face.attributeForeground: black
Emacs.font: -*-lucidatypewriter-medium-r-normal-*-12-*-*-*-*-*-*-*
If I had to guess, I would assume that
EmacsFrame.font-lock-keyword-face.attributeFont is the resource that
used to control this.
It seems to me that this change in behavior is a bug.
- Vin