>>>> "Jeff" == Jeff Mincy
<jeff(a)delphioutpost.com> writes:
frame1: 1) Open a file in fundamental mode, text mode will probably work.
2) Put the mark somewhere distinctive in the buffer.
3) Leave this frame open on the file
frame2: 1) Open a new frame for the same file.
The new frame opens at the frame1's point
2) Jump somewhere else in the file.
3) switch buffers away from file.
4) switch buffers back to file.
5) My point is back to frame1's point, not where I left it
before switching buffers.
Are you sure? This doesn't work for me unless I arrange to have
3.5) frame1 gets focus (and therefore its window is selected).
This could also happen like
3') Close frame2 (destroying its window on buffer).
4') Open frame3 (C-x 5 b) on buffer.
But that's not what the OP is seeing, since he would not see frame2 as
the last one open on the buffer.
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