Ar an seachtú lá is fiche de mí na Nollaig, scríobh Malcolm Purvis:
Has anyone run the Carbon branch under 10.5?
I haven’t. I hadn’t planned to buy 10.5, rather to switch to one of the free
unixes when support for 10.4 expires.
Building the current tip of the branch on my MacBook Pro, I get the
$ open
LSOpenFromURLSpec() failed with error -10661 for the file
The identical tree works on my 10.4.10 based PowerMac G5.
about GNU Emacs, suggests that using the 10.4(!) binary may work.
If not, here’s how to GDB the carbon app:
$ cd /Users/malcolmp/builds/xemacs/sandboxen.hg/carbon2-head/src
$ gdb ./xemacs # loads .gdbinit, so ldp and pobj work
(gdb) file ../carbon/
(gdb) r -vanilla
¿Dónde estará ahora mi sobrino Yoghurtu Nghé, que tuvo que huir
precipitadamente de la aldea por culpa de la escasez de rinocerontes?
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