>>>> "ST" == Stephen J Turnbull
<turnbull(a)sk.tsukuba.ac.jp> writes:
ST> I don't see what the objective of Martin's "release" is. Some of
ST> arguments seem to say "it's a snapshot" but others seem to be
"it's a
ST> beta release which should work for most testers." And none of them
ST> satisfy the industry usage of "a beta version should have high
ST> correlation with the next public release and work for most testers."
The second of three meanings.
ST> I also still think that the emphasis on maximizing the CVS commit rate
ST> is misplaced. I see a strong correlation between the fact that Kyle
ST> doesn't use CVS (according to Martin) and the high regard in which
ST> Kyle's work is held. Code-and-fix sucks; "many eyes, shallow bugs"
ST> just mitigates its flaws. Doing a good job is hard, because it
ST> requires hard thought. Making it easier to commit is not necessarily
ST> good for XEmacs.
I don't think there is much correlation between code quality and what
mechanism the engineer uses to get the change into the common codebase.
ST> If what Martin means by "tinderbox" is
ST> 1. A script that basically does
ST> # I've been writing Python recently & can't remember proper sh
ST> while true:
ST> if cvs update && make && make check:
ST> then cvs tag -r $CONFIG-$UniqueID
ST> (I don't see why this necessarily has to be coordinated across
ST> different platforms & configurations, but it would be very nice, of
ST> course. This could be done in distributed fashion by having a master
ST> machine, the RE's presumably, which would advise volunteer hosts
ST> around the net of a success, which would start them trying on that
ST> tag.) This tag would be aliased to `xemacs-21-2-latest-beta'.
ST> 2. A script that checks for the most recent successful tag starting
ST> say 10 days after the last beta release. If that hasn't moved, then
ST> wait a day. If on last release + 14 it hasn't moved, the RE steps in
ST> and starts trying to fix it in the context of the current CVS tree.
ST> 3. When you have a new success in 2, you roll the tarballs and repeat.
This method is very ambitious. I think it would be much easier for
the release engineer to get accounts on 20 machines around the Net to
do automated testing herself.
ST> Then I agree that this should get rid of the need for a
ST> pre-beta-release commit freeze, and I think it's definitely worth
ST> trying as it shouldn't affect the rest of the process.
The pre-beta-release commit freeze is gone. I understand how to put
out a release with any number of concurrent checkins.
ST> Caveat: Martin's "fixing the release is priority one" should apply
ST> only to the RE during the trial period for the tinderbox. If this
ST> works out pretty well, then the RE can start asking for help from the
ST> rest of the core at crunch time. But if the RE can't handle it alone
ST> most of the time, you need to ask whether occasional random crunches
ST> at the RE's whim are better or worse than moderately frequent
ST> scheduled short freezes.
ST> And I still think you should call it a "snapshot" (admittedly, a
ST> well-tested highly reliable snapshot), not a "release" of any kind.
Agreed. `beta' is our historical term. We used to have `alpha's, too.