sperber(a)informatik.uni-tuebingen.de (Michael Sperber [Mr. Preprocessor]) writes:
I really felt stupid when someone asked me how to make Backspace
delete backwards in TTY mode, and I didn't know. This seems to be FAQ
material, but isn't in the FAQ.
You could just do "stty erase ^H", instead of using "Delete" for
You'd lose Backspace for help-command prefix but you could use f1.
You might have to check if f1 was correctly registered in terminfo or
termcap database.
For terminfo database, you could use infocmp command to show what
characters are expected for f1 key.
You also could type "C-v f1" on the tty to check that what characters
f1 key exactly produces.
Make sense?
-- kazz