Ar an naoú lá is fiche de mí na Samhain, scríobh Raymond Toy:
Here's reliable repro case for me.
xemacs -vanilla
C-x C-f <some random file>
C-s to search for something in the file. Find the second occurrence.
C-g to quit search
C-s M-p to bring up previous search
Press backspace to delete everything. Then press backspace one more time.
xemacs crashes with the assertion.
Hope this helps figure out what's happening. Definitely caused by
changes in the last month or so (around the time I reported the
gnuclient crash issue.) Sorry I don't know how to fix this myself.
Excellent, Raymond, should get to fixing that early next week. Thanks!
‘As I sat looking up at the Guinness ad, I could never figure out /
How your man stayed up on the surfboard after forty pints of stout’
(C. Moore)