>>>> Stephen J Turnbull <stephen(a)xemacs.org> writes:
Stephen> I suggest you don't try to account for strange files.
Stephen> Instead, check only files produced by "hg manifest".
Point taken ;-) New version of the script uses hg manifest. There
seems to have been some other faults in the script as well. Not all
files were accounted(!) for.
After doing many of the conversions you and Michael suggested from my
earlier list I now have this list. (Replacing files by getting the
sources from Emacs still remains.)
(Note: unknown(C) means there is an unknown copyright notice in the
file. A copyright notice is assumed if the single word copyright is
found. So it might not be a copyright notice at all.)
?: ".hgignore"
?: ".hgtags"
unknown(C): "ChangeLog"
unknown(C): "etc/ChangeLog"
?: "etc/ETAGS.ChangeLog"
?: "etc/Emacs.ad"
?: "etc/InstallGuide"
?: "etc/NEWS"
?: "etc/ONEWS"
?: "etc/OONEWS"
?: "etc/README"
unknown(C): "etc/XKeysymDB"
?: "etc/custom/example-themes/ex-custom-file"
?: "etc/editclient.sh"
?: "etc/emacskeys.sco"
?: "etc/emacsstrs.sco"
?: "etc/gnuattach.1"
?: "etc/gnuclient.1"
?: "etc/gnudoit.1"
?: "etc/gnuserv.1"
?: "etc/gnuserv.README"
?: "etc/gtkrc"
?: "etc/package-index.LATEST.gpg"
?: "etc/refcard.ps.gz"
unknown(C): "etc/refcard.tex"
?: "etc/sample.Xresources"
?: "etc/xemacs-X.ico"
?: "etc/xemacs.1"
?: "info/dir"
unknown(C): "lib-src/ChangeLog"
?: "lib-src/README"
unknown(C): "lisp/ChangeLog"
?: "lisp/ChangeLog.GTK"
?: "lisp/README"
?: "lisp/dump-paths.el"
?: "lisp/mule/mule-locale.txt"
?: "lisp/term/README"
?: "lisp/term/bobcat.el"
unknown(C): "man/ChangeLog"
?: "man/README"
unknown(C): "man/texinfo.tex"
?: "modules/ChangeLog"
?: "modules/README"
?: "modules/base64/Makefile"
unknown(C): "modules/canna/install-sh"
?: "modules/common/configure-post.ac"
?: "modules/common/configure-pre.ac"
unknown(C): "modules/ldap/install-sh"
unknown(C): "modules/postgresql/install-sh"
unknown(C): "modules/sample/external/install-sh"
unknown(C): "modules/sample/internal/install-sh"
?: "modules/zlib/Makefile"
unknown(C): "nt/ChangeLog"
?: "nt/Emacs.ad.h"
?: "nt/Installation.el"
?: "nt/README"
?: "nt/Win32.cf"
?: "nt/Xmd.patch"
?: "nt/file.ico"
?: "nt/lisp.ico"
?: "nt/minitar.c"
?: "nt/paths.h"
?: "nt/site.def"
?: "nt/xemacs.dsp"
?: "nt/xemacs.dsw"
?: "nt/xemacs.ico"
unknown(C): "src/ChangeLog"
?: "src/ChangeLog.GTK"
?: "src/README"
?: "src/README.kkcc"
?: "src/depend"
?: "src/m/README"
?: "src/s/README"
?: "src/s/freebsd.h"
?: "src/s/irix6-0.h"
?: "src/s/netbsd.h"
?: "src/s/sol2.h"
unknown(C): "tests/ChangeLog"
?: "tests/Dnd/README"
?: "tests/automated/README"
?: "tests/gtk/UNIMPLEMENTED"
?: "version.sh.in"
%% Mats
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