>>>"SJT" == Stephen J Turnbull schrieb am Tue, 13
Oct 1998 13:57:23 +0900 (JST):
SJT> (a) as Michael pointed out, many, probably the majority, of
SJT> existing hosts don't have .../share/; enforcing it will confuse
SJT> their users and admins, and could be annoying if the local
SJT> XEmacs maintainer doesn't have rights to the .../ directory
This isn't really a problem, is it ? The key idea would be to check
for the /share-directory (and of course to check whether one is
allowed to write on it) and to use /lib otherwise as the default. I
certainly like the idea (mostly running Linux), although I also like a
package of the size of XEmacs not to spread its various files all
over /.
http://www.coling.uni-freiburg.de/~schauer/ ---
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