>>>> "David" == David E Sigeti <David>
David> Thanks for a much for the suggestion. I will try it when I
David> get home this evening. I assume that setting these hooks
David> to nil will make it impossible to cut and paste between
David> Xemacs and other applications.
No, that's not true. It depends both on the application and on the
direction of the transfer. You'll just have to try it with the
applications in question. If you don't use "modern" applications that
depend on the clipboard (see below), you'll probably be OK.
Note that you probably don't want to set `interprogram-paste-function'
to nil. If you _specifically request_ a paste, presumably you're
willing to wait for it, right? The problem with
`interprogram-cut-function' is that XEmacs can't know whether you plan
to use the killed text interprogram, so it gets invoked on every kill.
David> Version 20 of Xemacs allowed cutting and pasting without
David> suffering from terrible performance when killing.
Under the conditions described above, it did. Setting the
interprogram cut/paste functions to nil results in the same behavior
as 20.4 AFAIK.
David> Is this problem just a bug that we can expect to be fixed
David> in a later version, or is there something fundamental about
David> the way cutting and pasting are being done now that makes
David> performance terrible on connections with high latencies?
Basically, there are four ways to communicate interprogram via the X
Primary selection: a transient selection that gets replaced every
time a new selection is made
Secondary selection: for "exchanging" with the primary selection
Cut buffers: a clipboard internal to the X server (deprecated)
Clipboard selection: a selection with a notification protocol that
allows a separate app to manage the clipboard
The cut buffers are deprecated because managing them is even more
inefficient than the clipboard notification protocol. The primary
selection works fine for many users and applications, but is not very
robust. In Motif and MS Windows, a clipboard has become the primary
means for managing cut and paste.
It's not that XEmacs doesn't support the simple primary selection
method, it's that more and more other applications don't.
With most people running most clients and server on the same host, and
many of the rest working over very fast communication, you may expect
that the situation is not going to improve.
Institute of Policy and Planning Sciences
University of Tsukuba Tennodai 1-1-1 Tsukuba 305-8573 JAPAN
My nostalgia for Icon makes me forget about any of the bad things. I don't
have much nostalgia for Perl, so its faults I remember. Scott Gilbert c.l.py