SL Baur <steve(a)> writes:
I'm very frustrated with how things are being numbered. As a
of fact, I think the release currently being planned on being numbered
21.1 (a bug fix release for the elusive 21.0) would be better numbered
21.0.XX where XX is greater than the beta number we finally release at.
I agree that using 21.1 for 21.0 bugfixes is not very good, but not
with the fact that XX should be greater than the last beta. To me XX should be
something like a patch level starting from zero.
- We release 21.0
- The first 21.0 update is named 21.0.1 and so on.
I think this is the most obvious scheme for users. Now a question for
you Steve: do we really need the concept of pre-release ? Why pre-releases
couldn't just be beta versions ? Correct me if I'm wrong but pre-releases only
differ from beta versions in that they are announced. So we could just
continue naming them like betas, and have a variable like
xemacs-pre-release-number with the number of the first beta version considered
as a pre-release. This way, the numbering scheme would be:
- 21.0-b58 xemacs-pre-release-number: void
- 21.0-b59 xemacs-pre-release-number: void
- ...
- 21.0-b65 (otherwise named -pre1) xemacs-pre-release-number: 65
- 21.0-b66 (otherwise named -pre2) xemacs-pre-release-number: 65
- ...
- 21.0 (first real release) xemacs-pre-release-number: 65
- 21.0.1 (first patch-update) xemacs-pre-release-number: 65
- ...
And during this time, we start working on 21.1 which is now named 21.2
/ / _ _ Didier Verna
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