Yusuf> Is there something I am missing or I have to inidividually ftp
Yusuf> every package I am interested in and then do a tar zpxf in my
Yusuf> package dir
Andy> If you have efs set up properly you should be able to select
Andy> packages under customize->emacs->packages and then download
Andy> them with update-packages
In other words, you have to manually install the efs package -or-
have an existing efs package installed (from an XEmacs 20.4
installation, for example).
A poser: how do you get efs?
(require 'package-get)
==> package-get
(package-get-package-provider 'efs)
==> nil
Ah yes:
(load "package-get-base")
==> t
(package-get-package-provider 'efs)
==> (efs "1.08")
Okay, and before I get EFS, I need:
(package-get-info-version-prop package-get-base 'efs nil 'requires)
==> (xemacs-base vm dired)
EFS requires VM because of efs-vm.el, which allows you to read VM
folders over efs connections. Ultimately, in order to install EFS
with the package-get mechanism, you need:
xemacs-base vm mail-lib dired
(and EFS itself, of course, which makes the whole exercise pointless).
But you can just untar EFS manually and go from there.
Sam Mikes