>>>> "n" == nbecker <nbecker(a)fred.net>
n> If I recall correctly, it was removed at my urging because we
n> experienced exactly this problem. rpath should never be used to
n> build xemacs unless it is known by the sysadmin that xemacs will
n> be run in exactly the same environment in the future.
To rpath or not is a religious argument which I don't care to get into
(I'll happily share my ideas but I'm not crazy enough to say that they
are the one true way).
To distill, there are three main bugs here:
1) That configure attempts to synthesize a bunch of arguments to the
link editor based on loosely related input. Since we cannot agree
on what the correct guess should be, I'd be much happier defining
the arg list to the linker myself.
2) Operating environments (Linux, arbitrary sysadmins, whatever)
breaking binary compatibility by moving shit around. It disturbs
me that so much mental energy is being spent on this stuff when the
answer is simply to define and lucite-seal the environment in which
an app runs.
3) How much the above distracts from making XEmacs the greatest
software project in history.