Uwe Brauer writes:
> Start by nuking the "18" (which says "use this
many pixels", and due
> to the implementation will vary in screen size for bitmap fonts):
> XEmacs.default.attributeFont: -*-courier-bold-r-*-*-*-180-*-*-*-*-*-*
I now tried
M-: (set-face-font 'default
deleting the 18 has a terrible effect on the font, chars to
large and to thin, but the UTF8 symbols in question *do not*
That's not entirely surprising. It's somewhat surprising that the
main font changes. However, the UTF-8 symbols are coming from a
different font from the main font.
BTW, when are you getting the infinity symbol? Is this related to
X-symbol or in general text?
in fact they were better represented in 21.4.21... :'(.
That's not entirely surprising. In 21.4, you're using mule-ucs, and
the non-Latin symbols are being translated, probably to Japanese
characters. Very likely you have more fonts available that way.
I did not compile with xft support, could that be the reason?
Xft support might give you better, even much better, results. But I
can't promise that, because it's not done, and you could run into some
of the remaining issues. Sorry I can't be more helpful in advance,
but I'm just as happy to see \infinity as ∞. :-)
I think you should try it, though.
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