>>>>"JJ" == Jerry James
<loganjerry(a)gmail.com> writes:
JJ> I've built a 21.5 from CVS of just
before the
cvs.xemacs.org crash, on
JJ> a 32-bit Pentium 4. I ran it under valgrind and got some errors
JJ> before the frame is mapped.
This very much looks like valgrind complains about the memory
protection caused by the incremental garbage collector.
Did you start valgrind with the option
`--vex-iropt-precise-memory-exns=yes' to enable the magic that allows
valgrind to work with the write barrier's signal handlers?
JJ> Here's the part I'm not so sure about. None of the remaining code
JJ> checks that a sufficient number of bytes remain on that page. Or
JJ> do we always allocate an entire page?
The call to allocate_cell either returns the pointer to a free cell of
sufficient size or returns 0. In the latter case, the allocator
allocates a new page and sets it up for the correspoding size class.
In both cases, we always get a sufficient number of bytes.
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