>>>> "HS" == Holger Schauer
<schauer(a)coling.uni-freiburg.de> writes:
HS> Hi there, folks !
HS> Don't know if anybody has already addressed the following topic, I'm
HS> pretty new to this list.
HS> 1) Is there a maintainer for the calendar package ? (Oops, that seems
HS> to be a dangerous word these days ..)
I'm not sure. Ed Reingold is listed as the author. I'm not sure how
active he's doing any development.
I have been spending a lot of time synching our version up to the
calendar/diary/appt code in Emacs 20.2. I am pretty close to sending
patches in. The last hairy wart is appt which is extremely different
between the two. I've gotten it back to working (it broke on the "concat
integers as strings" thing).
HS> 2) Setting the calendar date-style to european, i.e.,
I'll try to play around with this stuff tonight (probably after the bulls
game) and see what's up. I haven't done anything with the european calendar
stuff so i'll have some learning to do.
HS> In general, I think that making calendar/diary more language-aware (or
HS> at least, aware of user-settings) is a good idea.
when the update happens it will have support for
calendar systems. but I don't think this is what you're after, correct?
Do you mean, setting for German users, Italian users, Croatian users, etc?