I wrote earlier that package update was not working for me with the recently
available Carbonized version of XEmacs 21.5.b9 for Mac OS X. I finally
decided to try to update the packages with a defcustom defining the remote
site and the local directory
'(package-get-remote (list (quote ("xemacs.org"
(quote (nil "~/Desktop/stuff/xemacs/xemacs-packages/lisp"))))
added to the ~/.xemacs/init.el startup file. With this in place, I could
update packages. For some reason, going through the `M-x customize-variable
RET package-get-remote RET' procedure always hung up on the first package.
I still got a number of errors and had to restart the update after the first
attempt failed with an ftp error (SET IDLE not recognized), but after
telling XEmacs to update a second time, the dozen old packages were updated.
r. royar