Ar an fichiú lá de mí Feabhra, scríobh Rodney Sparapani:
robert delius royar wrote:
> If I were to mistype a directory name within the path to the file, what
> would the action be? Now, I am asked if I wish to create the directory.
> If I answer "no," then I get a buffer with that filename. It is not
> modified, so I can delete the buffer without answering another question.
> I would want similar action in a revised C-x-C-f.
Hi Robert:
I have found that answering No is pretty useless and just hit C-g
and start all over again. I'm wondering if a No answer should have
the same effect as C-g.
I think it should.
Does anyone know what was intended by allowing No to create a buffer
without a directory? If you try to save the buffer, it just complains
that the directory does not exist anyways.
It’s just that the original design was bad, as far as I can tell. If the
directory doesn’t exist, you’ve probably just mistyped it; my impression is
that I’ve never got the warning in the context it seems to have been written
for, I have never wanted to create the directory. But then people’s usage
patterns vary, I also never use the meta key, something most emacs people
find odd.
¿Dónde estará ahora mi sobrino Yoghurtu Nghe, que tuvo que huir
precipitadamente de la aldea por culpa de la escasez de rinocerontes?
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