Jeff Mincy writes:
Given that I tend to use gnuclient while at home to connect to a
running session at work is there any way to tell that I'm "at
home"? Or will I just have to do this manually?
I do (setq at-home (equal (system-name) "<home>"))
As you suggest, that's not going to work for Skip. `system-name' will
resolve to the system XEmacs is running on, not the system Skip is
looking at.
How about
(defvar my-local-connection ":0.0"
"Yes, Virginia, changing this is necessary at least on Mac OS X clients.")
(defun my-interprogram-cut-function (text &optional push)
(when (string= (device-connection) my-local-connection)
(,old-IPCF-goes-here text push))))
(defun my-interprogram-paste-function ()
(when (string= (device-connection) my-local-connection)
You can imagine variants (eg, tty-based mouse cut & paste as well),
but this should do as proof-of-concept-and-everyday-workaround for
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