[The original message did not seem to make it to the AUCTeX mailing
list. CCing auctex-devel and stripping the addresses of people who
read the respective lists anyway.]
* Ernst Joachim Weniger (2005-11-21) writes:
The current state of AUCTeX on my PC is as follows:
> Emacs : XEmacs 21.5 (beta22) "cucumber" (+CVS-20050913) [Lucid]
> ux, Mule) of Tue Sep 20 2005 on barry
> Package: AUCTeX CVS-1.13 (2005-02-11)
What AUCTeX version does this relate to? 11.55?
> TeX-auto-save nil
> TeX-parse-self nil
> TeX-master nil
You have the handbrake on.
When I use within AUCTeX the commend ^c^q^e to format an environment
as \begin{align} ... \end{align}, strange things happen.
Let us assume that I have the following environment in my LaTeX sourde code:
Let us now assume that my cursor is at the veginning of the first
of this environment. Then, the command ^c^q^e should try to format the
whole document. XEmacs -- or rather AUCTeX -- also tries to do this. It
starts ro format and counts the progress until it reaches 90%. Then,
XEmacs freezes and has to be killed.
I cannot reproduce it with these file contents
% \label{}
\sum_{\nu=M}^{N} \, g (\nu) & \; = \; \int_{M}^{N} \, g (x) \,
\mathrm{d} x \, + \, \frac{1}{2} \,
\bigl[g (M) + g (N)\bigr] \notag \\
& \qquad + \, \sum_{j=1}^{k} \, \frac {B_{2j}} {(2j)!} \left[
g^{(2j-1)} (N) - g^{(2j-1)} (M) \right] \, + \, R_k (g) \, ,
% \label{}
R_k (g) & \; = \; - \, \frac{1}{(2k)!} \, \int_{M}^{N} \, B_{2k}
\bigl( x - \Ent{x} \bigr) \, g^{(2k)} (x) \, \mathrm{d} x \, .
and point at the start of the line with "\begin{subequations}" before
typing `C-c C-q C-e'. There is no hang and the result looks alright.
This is with
Emacs: XEmacs 21.5 (beta22) "cucumber" (+CVS-20051010) [Lucid] (i686-pc-linux)
of Tue Oct 11 2005 on neutrino
Package: 2005-10-19