On Thu, May 29, 2008 at 12:14:51AM +0800, It's me FKtPp ;) wrote:
Dear Bug Team!
When occuring some regexp, which can match across multi-lines, line
numbers in the occur result list will be incorrectly computed.
(setq origpt (point))
(when (setq endpt (re-search-forward regexp nil t))
(setq matches (1+ matches)) ;; increment match count
(setq matchbeg (match-beginning 0))
(setq lines (+ lines (1- (count-lines origpt endpt))))
Note that endpt, it was not at the same line of the "diplayed string
in the occur result list" in case of multi-line match.
hi Team,
I've composed a patch against this issue, could you please help
evaluate it. And if possiable install it?
ChangeLog Entry:
2008-06-09 It's me FKtPp ;) <m_pupil(a)yahoo.com.cn>
* occur.el:
* occur.el (occur-accumulate-lines): Convert to use
#'point-at-b(e)ol built-in functions
* occur.el (occur-engine-update-lines): New. always count lines
from a bol to anther bol
* occur.el (occur-engine): change the lines value calculation
method, so that it can deal with multine matches,
e.g. `^(def[^()]+)'. Mainly because of the following lines in the
(info "(lispref)Syntax of Regexps").
Note that a complement character set can match a newline, unless
newline is mentioned as one of the characters not to match.
Patch Entry:
core-beta[XEmacs] source patch:
Diff command: hg diff -wbB
Files affected: lisp/occur.el
diff -r 0204391fc17c lisp/occur.el
--- lisp/occur.el Wed Jun 04 21:57:49 2008 +0200
+++ lisp/occur.el Mon Jun 09 02:30:24 2008 +0800
@@ -246,8 +246,9 @@
(setq count (+ count (if forwardp -1 1)))
- (setq beg (line-beginning-position)
- end (line-end-position))
+ ;; XEmacs specific line-beginning/end-possion to point-at-b(e)ol conversion
+ (setq beg (point-at-bol)
+ end (point-at-eol))
(if (and keep-props (if-boundp 'jit-lock-mode jit-lock-mode)
(text-property-not-all beg end 'fontified t))
(if-fboundp 'jit-lock-fontify-now
@@ -426,6 +427,19 @@
(concat " :" line "\n"))
+(defsubst occur-engine-update-lines (lines beg end)
+ "count lines between the BEG and END point position, then add to LINES
+Returns updated LINES value.
+NOTE: this is a XEmacs specific inline function."
+ (save-excursion
+ (let (beg-bol end-bol)
+ (goto-char beg)
+ (setq beg-bol (point-at-bol))
+ (goto-char end)
+ (setq end-bol (point-at-bol))
+ (+ lines (count-lines beg-bol end-bol)))))
(defun occur-engine (regexp buffers out-buf nlines case-fold-search
title-face prefix-face match-face keep-props)
(with-current-buffer out-buf
@@ -456,83 +470,96 @@
(goto-char (point-min)) ;; begin searching in the buffer
(while (not (eobp))
(setq origpt (point))
- (when (setq endpt (re-search-forward regexp nil t))
- (setq matches (1+ matches)) ;; increment match count
- (setq matchbeg (match-beginning 0))
- (setq lines (+ lines (1- (count-lines origpt endpt))))
- (save-excursion
- (goto-char matchbeg)
- (setq begpt (line-beginning-position)
- endpt (line-end-position)))
- (setq marker (make-marker))
- (set-marker marker matchbeg)
- (if (and keep-props
- (if-boundp 'jit-lock-mode jit-lock-mode)
- (text-property-not-all begpt endpt 'fontified t))
- (if-fboundp #'jit-lock-fontify-now
- (jit-lock-fontify-now begpt endpt)))
- (setq curstring (buffer-substring begpt endpt))
- ;; Depropertize the string, and maybe
- ;; highlight the matches
- (let ((len (length curstring))
- (start 0))
- (unless keep-props
- (set-text-properties 0 len nil curstring))
- (while (and (< start len)
- (string-match regexp curstring start))
- (add-text-properties
- (match-beginning 0) (match-end 0)
- (append
- `(occur-match t)
- (when match-face
- ;; Use `face' rather than `font-lock-face' here
- ;; so as to override faces copied from the buffer.
- `(face ,match-face)))
- curstring)
- (setq start (match-end 0))))
- ;; Generate the string to insert for this match
- (let* ((out-line
- (concat
- ;; Using 7 digits aligns tabs properly.
- (apply #'propertize (format "%7d:" lines)
- (append
- (when prefix-face
- `(font-lock-face prefix-face))
- '(occur-prefix t)))
- ;; We don't put `mouse-face' on the newline,
- ;; because that loses. And don't put it
- ;; on context lines to reduce flicker.
- (propertize curstring 'mouse-face 'highlight)
- "\n"))
- (data
- (if (= nlines 0)
- ;; The simple display style
- out-line
- ;; The complex multi-line display
- ;; style. Generate a list of lines,
- ;; concatenate them all together.
- (apply #'concat
- (nconc
- (occur-engine-add-prefix (nreverse (cdr (occur-accumulate-lines (- (1+ (abs
nlines))) keep-props))))
- (list out-line)
- (if (> nlines 0)
- (occur-engine-add-prefix
- (cdr (occur-accumulate-lines (1+ nlines) keep-props)))))))))
- ;; Actually insert the match display data
- (with-current-buffer out-buf
- (let ((beg (point))
- (end (progn (insert data) (point))))
- (unless (= nlines 0)
- (insert "-------\n"))
- (add-text-properties
- beg end
- `(occur-target ,marker help-echo "mouse-2: go to this occurrence")))))
- (goto-char endpt))
- (if endpt
- (progn
- (setq lines (1+ lines))
- ;; On to the next match...
- (forward-line 1))
+ (if (setq endpt (re-search-forward regexp nil t))
+ (progn (setq matches (1+ matches) ;; increment match count
+ matchbeg (match-beginning 0)
+ matchend endpt
+ ;; Yes, always count against the
+ ;; matchbeg to keep the lines value
+ ;; correct
+ lines (occur-engine-update-lines lines origpt matchbeg))
+ ;; Later the #'occur-accumulate-lines
+ ;; function will relays current POINT
+ ;; position to extract correct result, so
+ ;; we don't do #'save-excursion here
+ ;; anymore.
+ (goto-char matchbeg)
+ ;; XEmacs specific
+ ;; line-beginning/end-possion to
+ ;; point-at-b(e)ol conversion.
+ (setq begpt (point-at-bol)
+ endpt (point-at-eol))
+ (setq marker (make-marker))
+ (set-marker marker matchbeg)
+ (if (and keep-props
+ (if-boundp 'jit-lock-mode jit-lock-mode)
+ (text-property-not-all begpt endpt 'fontified t))
+ (if-fboundp #'jit-lock-fontify-now
+ (jit-lock-fontify-now begpt endpt)))
+ (setq curstring (buffer-substring begpt endpt))
+ ;; Depropertize the string, and maybe
+ ;; highlight the matches
+ (let ((len (length curstring))
+ (start 0))
+ (unless keep-props
+ (set-text-properties 0 len nil curstring))
+ (while (and (< start len)
+ (string-match regexp curstring start))
+ (add-text-properties
+ (match-beginning 0) (match-end 0)
+ (append
+ `(occur-match t)
+ (when match-face
+ ;; Use `face' rather than `font-lock-face' here
+ ;; so as to override faces copied from the buffer.
+ `(face ,match-face)))
+ curstring)
+ (setq start (match-end 0))))
+ ;; Generate the string to insert for this match
+ (let* ((out-line
+ (concat
+ ;; Using 7 digits aligns tabs properly.
+ (apply #'propertize (format "%7d:" lines)
+ (append
+ (when prefix-face
+ `(font-lock-face prefix-face))
+ '(occur-prefix t)))
+ ;; We don't put `mouse-face' on the newline,
+ ;; because that loses. And don't put it
+ ;; on context lines to reduce flicker.
+ (propertize curstring 'mouse-face 'highlight)
+ "\n"))
+ (data
+ (if (= nlines 0)
+ ;; The simple display style
+ out-line
+ ;; The complex multi-line display
+ ;; style. Generate a list of lines,
+ ;; concatenate them all together.
+ (apply #'concat
+ (nconc
+ (occur-engine-add-prefix (nreverse (cdr (occur-accumulate-lines (- (1+ (abs
nlines))) keep-props))))
+ (list out-line)
+ (if (> nlines 0)
+ (occur-engine-add-prefix
+ (cdr (occur-accumulate-lines (1+ nlines) keep-props)))))))))
+ ;; Actually insert the match display data
+ (with-current-buffer out-buf
+ (let ((beg (point))
+ (end (progn (insert data) (point))))
+ (unless (= nlines 0)
+ (insert "-------\n"))
+ (add-text-properties
+ beg end
+ `(occur-target ,marker help-echo "mouse-2: go to this occurrence")))))
+ ;; On to the next match... Here we don't
+ ;; do the ugly #'forward-line and #'1+
+ ;; lines, instead calculate the actual
+ ;; lines between the matchbeg and
+ ;; matchend so that it can deal with
+ ;; multi-line matches.
+ (goto-char matchend)
+ (setq lines (occur-engine-update-lines lines matchbeg matchend)))
(goto-char (point-max))))))
(when (not (zerop matches)) ;; is the count zero?
(setq globalcount (+ globalcount matches))
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