Ar an séú lá is fiche de mí na Samhain, scríobh Ville Skyttä:
> I have 956 distinct locale strings available locally, taken
> Solaris, XFree86 (of which the locale strings are from the distinct
> systems it runs on), NetBSD and Linux, and these are the modifiers that
> are used:
> cyrillic
> euro
> nynorsk
> ucs4
FWIW, dunno if this falls into the above category, but on my Fedora Core
6 box, I see:
$ ls -1d /usr/share/locale/*@*
Ah, thanks for the pointers. W.r.t Valencian, all forms of Catalan fit in
Latin-1, so that modifier doesn’t change anything. It turns out that the
existing Serbian language environment defaults to the Roman alphabet--nnngh,
let’s not refight the most recent Balkan wars in XEmacs commits--and I don’t
know what FC means by sr@ije, nds@NFE, en@boldquot or en@quot. Uzbek in
Latin fits in ASCII, so our non-comprehension of it won’t be a problem, give
our fallback to ASCII.
Santa Maradona, priez pour moi!
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