Ar an ceathrú lá déag de mí Méan Fómhair, scríobh Stephen J. Turnbull:
Aidan Kehoe writes:
> This is still broken. It checks HAVE_XKBKEYCODETOKEYSYM at compile time, and
> then tries to call XkbKeycodeToKeysym at run time, when XkbKeycodeToKeysym
> may well not be there. This is exactly the situation on Apple’s X11, the XKB
> library is available at compile time, and as I mentioned, the XKB extension
> is not available on the server at runtime, so the below code fails. There
> are other servers in use where this is true, see
> .
Have you actually tested this?
Not recently, but I’ve been looking at that compile time warning for several
years, and for all that time the XKB extension has not been available on
Apple X11 servers.
All of the cases cited that I looked at actually try to change
mostly using setxkbmap. In principle querying the Keysym that corresponds
to a Keycode can fallback to the base protocol, and as I understand the
documentation, that's what it's supposed to do.
Where is this documented? I note returns NoSymbol if XKB is
‘Liston operated so fast that he once accidentally amputated an assistant’s
fingers along with a patient’s leg, […] The patient and the assistant both
died of sepsis, and a spectator reportedly died of shock, resulting in the
only known procedure with a 300% mortality.’ (Atul Gawande, NEJM, 2012)
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